Radiant Firefly

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Your Power to Make People Feel Good

Interviewing, meeting new people, going to networking events, trying to build community can all be terrifying. Our brains go into overdrive thinking about all the worst things that can happen. Will they like me? What if I’m not good enough for the job? What if I have something in my teeth!!?!

I’ve been there. Honestly, when I interview, my heart rate goes into overtime, I talk too fast, and feel I’m having an out of body experience at times. It’s why I intentionally work out, lay off the caffeine (or limit it), breathe or meditate, and do power poses before interviews.

And all this stress that builds up is for real, but did you ever stop and think that you have power in setting the tone of the meeting by intentionally making people feel good? Whether you are a self proclaimed introvert or extrovert, this could be a small step you can take to have big impact!

Let me explain:

One day I caught up with a gentleman in my community years ago for a second time. He remembered details about our first coffee meet up in person. I remembered meeting him, but he brought up specific details and timeframes that were impressive to me. Why? I made him feel good. This particular professional runs a recruiting business and he asks his team when they meet with potential candidates, “How did they make you feel?” Apparently my warmth and kindness stayed with him, and it helped make me memorable.

I was in the midst of working with folks learning to code and transition their careers into tech at the time, and when I heard this, I was like, DUH!!! This is such a small thing to do to ease the nerves and set the tone and why hadn’t I thought of it earlier!

Think about it, especially when it comes to an interview: the interviewer is likely slammed with back to back meetings, they have so much going on, which is why they are hiring for the position you’re interviewing for, and to transition into the interview with you, they ask that dreaded question, “Tell me about yourself.”

Terrifying question! I won’t go on about this now, but you have so much power in answering this question well as it pertains to this role, but what if you started with intentionally making the interviewer feel good first?

“Thank you so much, Kate (whatever their name is, always use their name!) for having me here today. I’m really excited about the opportunity and to learn more about you and the organization.”

You could also complement something they are wearing, connect to a book they might have and you love, or whatever it is. 

Think about it, wouldn’t this feel good for YOU to receive?

You’ve likely made the interviewer feel good, maybe brought on a smile, and in the meantime likely calmed your own nervous system down.

You’re off to a great start. Just don’t forget that they are interviewing you because they feel you are capable of doing the job. They 100% would not be spending the time with you if they didn’t think so. So, shine! This is your time!

Think about how this can also be applied in other situations in your life whether it be a networking event, meeting new people at an event, a date, and/or starting a new job and meeting new colleagues?

Radiate like the beautiful human you are! And, I’m always open to working with you if you’d like a coach to walk you through any or all of this and support you on your journey. Contact me at shannon@radiantfirefly.com with any questions.

Work with me!
If you are looking for coaching support, I’d love to meet and see if we’re a good fit. You can email me at shannon@radiantfirefly.com or schedule time to connect here to see if it feels good to continue an engagement together.