What if you took the time to capture the moments when you feel creative, alive, and aligned with your truest self so those moments aren’t fleeting, and you’re actually living your best life?

Why Radiant Firefly?

As a kid growing up in Northeastern Pennsylvania, I had a good deal of access to nature, which I’ve come back to love and be so grateful for later in life. I played in creeks, made mud pies, road bikes with the neighbor kids, and chased fireflies. I left the East Coast over fifteen years ago and have always said what I miss most from back home are fireflies and lightning storms. Oregon, where I’ve lived most of that time doesn’t have either.

I’ve been thinking forever about doing a coaching business, and honestly chose this name about a year before I actually decided on getting my ICF coaching certification. I have been doing related and unrelated contract work and needed to get a business started for those reasons, and I chose this name to house it all under with the intention of finally making coaching a real thing. Here I am. The name encompasses

I chose Radiant Firefly, Capturing Your Brightest Light. Firefly, was partially due to my absolute love of the beautiful insect and marveling about their magic in the forests of PA. I also started to frequently draw Spirit Cards, and I use Kim Krans’s Animal Spirit Deck. I love her artwork, it connects me to nature more, and gives me a way to sit with the evolutions of my days, growth, relationships, and more. She has a firefly card that goes along with the element, air. She writes:

“It’s (the Firefly) inspired, and fantastic, yet fleeting.”

Kranz goes on to say,

“The Firefly contains the light of a thousand stars. It’s pure, radiant, and illuminating this high-frequency charge cannot be sustained for long, therefore the Firefly card indicates a moment of inspiration or awakening that quickly fades if we do not capture it.”

“When in balance: writes, creates, brainstorms”
“When out of balance: burnt out, feels dull”

Finally, the name had to embrace nature and true parts of me that are true to my spirit.

Jar of Fireflies
Kim Krans Firefly
Gray Jay
Mt. Hood

Make it stand out.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.