aligning intentionally

Your Values

At the core of each of us, is our values. How would it feel to live your life each day aligned with them?

Living into our values means that we do more than profess our values, we practice them. We walk our talk—we are clear about what we believe and hold important, and we take care that our intentions, words, thoughts, and behaviors align with those beliefs.
— Brené Brown
Maligne Lake, Cananda

I find many of us bulldoze through life, myself included, trying to make the best decisions with the best intentions to live our best life. But, did you ever stop and think, “How did I get here doing what I’m doing and does it serve me?” “Why am I doing what I’m doing"?” “Is it aligned with my values and how I want to live each day?”

I am so proud of what I’ve accomplished in my life, but I wasn’t attuned to why I was doing what I had been doing until I took some time to connect it and reflect on what would satisfy me and ignite me in a more purposeful way. Before doing so, I felt a little lost, burned out, and not grounded in my intuition, needs, and desires.

What did I do?

I was laid off from a job, and decided to have grace and patience with myself, learn to live without having my work define who I am, healed some trauma that had me operating too much in survival mode in a way that I hadn’t realized, and got really clear on my values and how I wanted to feel and live each day. I then started to create a life filled with joy, community, connection, and love, and use my experience to have a positive impact on people and the world as hole. Even if my impact isn’t on a large scale, every grain of sand contributes to the mountain. Having this site, this service to offer, was born from years of dreaming, but also understanding why I was connected to it, and what I wanted to accomplish.

My Values


Nature is paramount in my life. It nurtures and feeds my soul and well-being. But also, nature is perfect and everything is done and completed when it’s ready. I’ve wished I could have learned certain things earlier, but I wasn’t ready yet. Everything happens in divine timing, in each and every one of us; when we learn the lessons lessons , take the risks, and make change. Whatever it is, nature is always perfect even when it might seem imperfect.

Winter trees


Taking a chance on yourself, making changes, not adhering to social and familial norms, standing up for what you believe in is being brave. Some people are afraid to risk loss, feel they might let others down, or choose not to live their lives true to themselves. There’s no selfishness in taking the time to live in a way that’s aligned with who you truly are, but it often takes many brave steps to do so.


Society has really provided a recipe on how we should live and be members of this society with no instructions on how to thrive in that. We spend so much time trying to meld into the prescribed way to look, work, and live even when it isn’t aligned with who we are. Being able to live life true to yourself, your soul, your background, your values is a beautiful thing. If I could make a world, or even have an impact on some places, to make it safe and normalized to do so would be an absolute

Mushrooms in the forest

Your Values

Take some time to create your own values and really connect to why they are. Let this start to become your guiding light on how you make decisions and live your life. Use this list from Brené Brown as your jumping off point. If you’re ready, come say hi to me and see how I can help you work to make these live and breathe for you.

Camp Golden Retriever

Schedule a 30 minute complimentary intro call here or dive right in with a 90 minute discovery session to get started!