My Story of Grace, Growth & Strength

Let me tell you a story about a woman who found herself laid off from a job and in a relationship that was too familiar to the marriage she left thinking she had grown so much in the years since she left it. The lost job was just over a year ago. At this time, there was a deep knowing that something wasn’t right, feeling it in her bones that she could no longer go on living and working this way, and something had to change. She had been giving every ounce of herself trying to earn love and be validated. And she was tired and depleted and lonely. Through the power of community, she went on to find work that allowed her the flexibility to be able to live and take care of herself, and a beautiful being that put her in touch with a woman that would become pivotal in her deep healing over the next year.

From this moment on, she embraced grace and patience as her mantra. It was all she could do, and she knew there was a new found power in embracing a pause. Even in the jobs she interviewed for in the period of time after she lost her job, it just didn’t feel right and didn’t fill her up with joy and she knew she was on the wrong path. She needed a new path. A real path. One that was true to her.

She took that grace and patience and she turned to the forest for many long walks in the woods with her puppy. She got really quiet in her overall community and kept close with people who made her feel safe. She read a lot of books that still mean the world to her from a variety of beautiful voices.

She started to journal, she knew she had to start learning to surrender to intuition and spirit. She collided beautifully into a community of women who were also looking for a better path for themselves and it became pivotal in integrating the work she was doing, helped her connect things she felt that she didn’t have words for, and showed her a new way to be strong but in a softer, more divine way.

She operated in a way up until that point, that in order to be loved, she had to give all of herself to everyone and left nothing for herself. That will be no more. She used to say she had very deep grief for all this love she had to give and didn’t really have anyone to give it to. And while this still rings true in some ways, she will now tell you she is very ready and worthy of receiving love and communicating her needs. She felt it was magical and inspiring witnessing a group of women do this for themselves, and she looks forward to following in their footsteps when the time comes for her to be able to do it for herself, in the right situation.

And while she’s been immensely proud of the work she has accomplished and the impact she’s had in her work up until this point, especially from the humble beginnings she came from, she also knew that the doing for survival was how she accomplished what she did and made a better life for herself had she not. But from now on, she is releasing resiliency as her virtue and stepping into something more intentional and divinely powerful. She will no longer do without being connected to where she is going and why, and she is comfortable with the pause, the silence, the being in the meantime. She knows that abundance and a better life will follow by being her true self, softening into the world, being spacious, being curious, being open to evolve in a way she never knew possible.

And through a lot of hard work and immense grief, she died and has recently experienced a beautiful rebirth, one that feels like she emerged from the cocoon and spread her wings into that beautiful butterfly that has evolved to who she was always meant to be.

She completely overhauled her life, not afraid to make moves to continue the forward momentum to her true, divine authentic self. Whether it’s love, work, or friendships, she will no longer chase, she will attract.

She’s made room for a new story to emerge. One that is for her, not for anyone else. She’s starting to set better boundaries and finding ways to ask for what she needs. She longs to share her story with someone else, the right person, when it’s right, to be part of something bigger than herself. But for now, this is just part of the process.

While the new book is a blank slate just getting started, there are so many beautiful chapters to be written, and she’s still figuring out what she wants and how to balance the divine masculine with spirit and the feminine being to move forward and surrender to the things that will truly fill her soul and make an impact. Her deconstructed life is now a strong foundation to move forward to build her best life. And just as nature does everything in her own time and it’s never wrong, she will do the just same in her own time.

Work with me!
If you are looking for coaching support, I’d love to meet and see if we’re a good fit. You can email me at or schedule time to connect here to see if it feels good to continue an engagement together.


Resiliency is No Longer My Virtue