Resiliency is No Longer My Virtue
Shannon Bloom Shannon Bloom

Resiliency is No Longer My Virtue

Just over a year ago I embarked on a very hard, very needed journey to heal myself. My therapist tells me today that I was just done and couldn’t go on living like I was any longer. It’s startling to hear that. That someone saw this in me. I’ve been so strong and resilient all these years and have faced adversity with strength and tenacity. I’ve been successful in many ways, I’m proud of the work I’ve done and the accomplishments I’ve had. But I was drained and exhausted. I was sad and lonely.

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My Story of Grace, Growth & Strength
Shannon Bloom Shannon Bloom

My Story of Grace, Growth & Strength

Let me tell you a story about a woman who found herself laid off from a job and in a relationship that was too familiar to the marriage she left thinking she had grown so much in the years since she left it. The lost job was just over a year ago. At this time, there was a deep knowing something wasn’t right, feeling it in her bones that she could no longer go on living and working this way, and something had to change. She had been giving every ounce of herself trying to earn love and be validated. She was tired and depleted and lonely. Through the power of community, she went on to find work that allowed her the flexibility to be able to live and take care of herself, and a beautiful being that put her in touch with a woman that would become pivotal in her deep healing over the next year.

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